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Selasa, 01 Mei 2012
Sabtu, 14 April 2012
Nilai English Course - Phone
no | nama | pron | vocab | confident |
1 | julaeha | B | C | B |
2 | siti maesaroh | B | B | B |
3 | sri ayustin | C | B | B |
4 | Ika Marhamah | B | B | C |
5 | Rohaetin | C | B | B |
6 | Yeni | B | B | C |
7 | Diyah Ayu | A | B | B |
8 | Tantri | A | B | B |
9 | Iis AL | A | B | B |
10 | Khodijah | B | B | A |
Senin, 09 April 2012
nilai clean-up dan sisip XI multimedia
Ana Widiana | 72 |
Cica Riyana | 70 |
Dimas Rino | 80 |
Eka Fitrianingsih | 72 |
Euis Mardlotillah | 70 |
Herniati | 72 |
Isman Rohim | 80 |
Johirin | 76 |
Junikah | 72 |
Kiki Komara | 80 |
M. Anshori | 72 |
M. Idris JA | 78 |
Mahir Alfawaz | 78 |
Mas Nurrudin | 78 |
Munawarotul Janah | 80 |
Nisah Rahmawati | 80 |
Nur Azizah | 75 |
Nur Hanip Arifin | 68 |
Rizki Pribadi | 80 |
Saepul Hikmah | 90 |
Seli Purwasih | 72 |
Sri Handayani | 74 |
Tri ane | 74 |
Wahyu | 90 |
Yuliani Susanti | 75 |
Rabu, 04 April 2012
Nilai UTS
Mapel Produktif Multimedia
Menggabungkan Teks Dalam Sajian Multimedia
Kelas X ( SEPULUH ) | 02-Apr-12 | |||||
No | Nama | Nilai | No | Nama | Nilai | |
1 | Abdul Azis | 76 | 21 | Novita ayuningsih | 80 | |
2 | Agus Rukmana | 74 | 22 | Novitasari | 70 | |
3 | Ahmad Irmawan | 62 | 23 | Nur Khasanah | 60 | |
4 | Ahmad Ryan Umam | 78 | 24 | Nurjenal | 78 | |
5 | Akhmad Jahid | 60 | 25 | Nursidik | 78 | |
6 | Anriko | 78 | 26 | Nurul Fitriani | 84 | |
7 | Asep Saepulloh | 72 | 27 | Puput Handriyani | 76 | |
8 | Bambang S | 58 | 28 | Rhoby Fernandho | 78 | |
9 | Devi | 84 | 29 | Riki Uripno | 74 | |
10 | Diyawan | 76 | 30 | Rohaetun | 90 | |
11 | Fahmi Nurseha | 70 | 31 | Sedi Triana | 70 | |
12 | Febri Media Romadon | 68 | 32 | Sri Alaufah | 78 | |
13 | Iman Ibnur Zaman | 62 | 33 | Tantri Vermasari | 60 | |
14 | Iqbar Maulana | 60 | 34 | Topik Hartono | 58 | |
15 | Irfan Firmansyah | 68 | 35 | Windi Widia | 78 | |
16 | Irfan Ibrahim | 66 | 36 | Winingsih | 80 | |
17 | Jaka | 74 | 37 | Wirto | 80 | |
18 | Jufri Iskandar | 80 | 38 | Yuliyani | 84 | |
19 | Kusnirah | 88 | 39 | Zaetun | 82 | |
20 | Ningrum Setiani | 78 |
Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012
Berikut adalah contoh percakapan singkat antar dua orang yang menggunakan past tense, dan future tense
peter : Hello... Sam..! hows your life
samm : absoulutely fine,, and you?
peter : nice today, where will you go on sunday tomorrow? ( future)
samm: i'll go to brebes city, do you know?
peter : yeah of course , the union city right?
samm: sure..
peter : hey,, how abut your last mont holiday?
samm: i spend the holiday in cibulan kuningan with my family,
peter : nice places in west java. whats you experiences in there?
samm: i saw the green forest and more. the monkey, the hen,sheep, and other
peter : ouch.. thats the good experience, i ll go there soon
peter : Hello... Sam..! hows your life
samm : absoulutely fine,, and you?
peter : nice today, where will you go on sunday tomorrow? ( future)
samm: i'll go to brebes city, do you know?
peter : yeah of course , the union city right?
samm: sure..
peter : hey,, how abut your last mont holiday?
samm: i spend the holiday in cibulan kuningan with my family,
peter : nice places in west java. whats you experiences in there?
samm: i saw the green forest and more. the monkey, the hen,sheep, and other
peter : ouch.. thats the good experience, i ll go there soon
Rabu, 21 Maret 2012
Informasi Pendaftaran SMK Islam Annur Losari Tahun 2012
Panitia Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru
SMK Islam Annur Losari.
Syarat Pendaftaran
* Mengisi formulir pendaftaran
* Menyerahkan berkas pendaftaran diantarenya:
a. Foto copy ijazah SMP/MTs/Sederajat sebanyak 3 lembar
b. Foto copy SKHUN SMP/MTs/Sederajat sebanyak 3 lembar
c. Foto copy NISN sebanyak 3 lembar
(NISN di copy atas bawah di kertas ukuran F4)
d. Pas poto ukuran 2x3 sebanyak 2 lembar, 3x4 sebanyak 4 lembar
4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar ( black white )
* Membayar Biaya Registrasi semua program keahlian Rp. 50.000,- di tempat
Keterangan :
Semua Persyaratan di masukan dalam stopmap dengan ketentuan
>> Akuntansi --> Merah
>> Multimedia --> Kuning
>> Otomotif --> Hijau
18 JUNI s.d 07 JULI 2012 ( Jam Kerja )
Kampus SMK Islam Annur Karangjunti
JL. Karangjunti ( arah Ciledug - Ketanggungan KM. +3 )
Test Masuk
Senin , 9 Juli 2012 Jam 08.00 s.d 10.00
materi Test >> Test Potensi Akademik dan Soal UN SMP/MTs 2011
Pengumuman Penerimaan
Selasa, 10 Juli 2012
add. us on fb smk islam annur losari
Selasa, 31 Januari 2012
Postingan (Atom)